Ear Wax Removal in Brooklyn, NY

​Enjoy the Relief of Pain-Free Hearing From Clean Ears

If you’re experiencing hearing loss or if your hearing aids aren’t as effective as they used to be, it could be that your ear canals simply need cleaning. Ear wax removal in Brooklyn, NY from our experienced audiologists can offer you increased hearing clarity, comfort, and optimal effectiveness from your hearing device.

Why Is Ear Wax Removal Necessary?

Cerumen, also known as ear wax, is a common concern for people who wear hearing devices. Cerumen is a useful substance secreted by your ear canal to protect the delicate skin in your ear. It has antimicrobial properties to clean your ears and protect them from infection. For most people, the ear is self-cleaning, but there are times ear wax builds up in the ear and can cause earaches, ear infections, and even temporary hearing loss if the ear canal is completely blocked.

Advanced Solutions

Our audiologists and team have the training, skills, and special tools to safely and effectively remove ear wax inside your ear canal. One of the tools we use is a cutting-edge Earigator Cerumen Management System for a painless, non-invasive way to remove wax from your ear effectively and quickly.

More Ways to Have Healthy Ears

When you come in to have your ear wax removed, our audiologists will also recommend other ways to keep your ears clean and healthy. They can include:

  • Purchasing over-the-counter ear wax softeners such as hydrogen peroxide, saline, and mineral oil
  • If using cotton swabs, avoid inserting them into the canal

Ear wax is a natural occurrence and even has anti-bacterial properties that help your ears stay clean by keeping dirt and dust out of your ear canals. But when too much of it gets pushed into the canal, it’s time to get them cleaned by our professional audiologists.

Contact Us for Ear Wax Removal in Brooklyn, NY Today

To get started on improving your hearing, schedule your Complimentary Brooklyn Audiology-Approved Hearing Consultation today by calling 718-745-6363 or by clicking here to use our convenient online form.

Your appointment includes the following:

  • We Will Carefully Listen To Your Concerns & Goals
  • Thorough Explanation Of Our Process
  • Comprehensive Treatment Plan
  • Receive A Free Copy Of Richard Kaner's Book, “Break Free Of Hearing Loss”

After your consultation, we will recommend further evaluative testing to get a deeper understanding of your hearing loss and the best rehabilitative methods for your needs.

If you’re ready to experience our 5-star rated hearing care, schedule your hearing consultation today. We can’t wait to meet you!

As the premier audiology practice in Brooklyn, NY, our experienced Doctors of Audiology and team at Brooklyn Audiology Associates also provide 5-star hearing care to patients from Western Queens, Staten Island & Lower Manhattan, NY & the surrounding areas.